Month: April 2010

  • Servicing and Maintenance of Hospital Equipment

    Following on from  x-ray maintenance developments with Keith Feay last year, other hospital equipment is being brought into a servicing programme. On a recent visit to Malawi a survey was carried out on the condition of equipment at various Synod hospitals. A tester has been bought which gives information on oxygen levels delivered by oxygenators.…

  • Embangweni’s Antique….

    …..and it still works, but Health and Safety would not approve! This is the current, main hospital sterilising equipment. It is powered by parraffin and the pressure pumped up like a Tilley lamp or Primus stove. A few days ago an e-mail arrived, informing us that a modern replacement has been sourced in Aberdeen. This…

  • Bullock power for the Henga Valley

        Some funding has been made available to supply another pair of bullocks and a plough which will enable a community to increase food production and create an income from hiring the equipment to other villages. During his last visit to Malawi, John held discussions with a community in the Henga Valley, just north…

  • Tools for the Job

      Ben is a Grade 3 motor mechanic in Mzuzu. He is a good mechanic and does his best with very limited tools. During John Challis’s last visit to Malawi, John was able to present Ben with a set of tools donated to the Raven Trust. These will greatly help him in his work.

  • Gorodi Road

        The rainy season has lasted longer than usual in Malawi this year. During John’s visit in March/April there were several heavy rain storms and the Gorodi Road was very slippery and had suffered some damage. Workers were soon out with supplies of stones etc. to repair the road and prevent more damage.

  • Water and Wells Project Update

    John continues to monitor the pilot project to repair and maintain wells aound Ekwendeni. For the first time, all wells and water supplies will be properly mapped and listed and plans will be made for their regular inspection, testing and maintenance. Since his last visit at the end of 2009, more wells have been repaired…