Bon Voyage FCL 76

In spite of the rain on loading day, over 20 folk turned out to help load FCL 76. A lead-lined x-ray room door, a maternity delivery bed, 2 wheelchairs and several bicycles were among the items loaded along with almost 1.000 boxes of clothes, toys, bedding, hospital supplies, books and educational supplies.
Robin finally closed the doors and, with a prayer and blessing, FCL 76 was sent off to Malawi. Less than 24 hours later, the container was sailing off down the Clyde on the next stage of its journey. Our grateful thanks go to all who gathered the items sent, labelled and listed them,  loaded them and supplied the loaders with food and hot drinks to keep them going.
Bon voyage FCL 76 – may your contents make a difference to the lives of those to whom they are sent in Malawi.