Sue’s Updates (12) Livingstonia Plateau

Livingstonia googleLivingstonia is about 1/3 the size of the Island of Mull. The two roads up to the plateau, which is about 6,500 ft above sea level, are “difficult” during the rainy season making Livingstonia as inaccessible and remote as any small Scottish island. It is a beautiful, idyllic place, but as with any small community, the psychological problems are magnified. Members of different tribes and clans have different understanding and allegiances, combative histories and alienations.  There are inevitable tensions and it takes a very strong-minded person to keep everyone happy. To a westerner working in such a place it is like walking in a minefield.

Please pray for everyone there – that they will know peace, love, joy, forgiveness, patience, protection and grace and be motivated to make Livingstonia a beacon of light in a rather dark place.