The Tale of LovesWorld
LovesWorld is a cooperation between local people in Baula and supporters in the UK. It began with a nursery school held under a mango tree and has grown to feed, care for and teach orphans, widows, the elderly and others in need in the local community. With income generation schemes including necklace and basket making and UK support they have built a community centre in which they run schools and support groups and have tilled the ground around to produce food for the local community in times of shortage. They run a food bank and clothes bank.
Recently they received boxes of clothing and books from a Raven Trust container. Their only transport consisted of a bicycle – so that was used to bring the boxes the 35kms from Ekwendeni. We are told by Martha Lowole – a volunteer with LovesWorld – that the delight on the faces of the people who were given new clothes made all the effort worthwhile. We send our best wishes to all involved in this work.