Receive greetings from Ekwendeni Hospital in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I write on behalf of management and staff and communities around Ekwendeni Hospital to express our appreciation for the items, equipment and supplies you donated which arrived and were off-loaded here at Ekwendeni on 30.10.2015.
Please also extend our thanks to all your team members and families including all those who supported your Trust so that you can be able to support us as you have done. We also thank John Challis for his tireless follow up in making sure that the container has arrived safely, and items have been collected by the intended beneficiaries.
Here are some of the pictures taken when the truck carrying the items just arrived, items being off-loaded and some of the items being collected by beneficiaries.
Once again, we thank you very much and we ask GOD to keep on blessing you in your every day undertaking.
Yours in service,
Senior Administrative Officer