Progress on Water Projects

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADuring his visit to Malawi in April and May, Kevin Bickerstaffe led a team of water engineers from the PHC department at Ekwendeni and Livingstonia hospitals repairing and maintaining shallow and borehole wells. They have also been erecting fencing around well heads to protect the well head from animal contamination.

John Littlejohn  was also in Malawi,  testing the water quality particularly with regard to coliform bacteria. Next year he hopes to return assess the difference that fencing makes to the water quality readings.

In the two months of Kevin’s visit it is estimated that improved water has been supplied to over 14,000 people.  Some had no clean water supply for years and were using scrapes in the ground as their main drinking water source. One person commented that the new water was a ‘miracle for the village’