A story to tell…..

open-book-0cWHjg-clipartIt is almost 20 years since the first stirring of what was to become the Raven Trust were felt and 16 years since the Trust became a Scottish Registered Charity. Now a friend of the Raven Trust has begun to write a book about the Trust.

Over the years, all kinds of people have become involved in the work of the Raven Trust in all sorts of ways. How did YOU become involved? From those who knit garments to keep small babies warm, to specialists in beekeeping, building, supply of clean water, education and electronics, many of you have interesting, unusual or even funny stories to tell of how you became involved. In my case, a retired minister friend wanted me to set up a photo display of the work of the Trust in a local church and that led on to……. well that’s another story!

If you have a story to tell, we would love to hear about it – so please email your story to us at strachur@aol.com. Thank you.