Month: December 2019

  • Christmas greetings!

    Jesus said: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me has the light of life”. What a promise! What a hope held out to us in a world of conflict, lies and injustice. This is the Christmas message. We do trust that in some way, the work of Focus on Malawi somehow contributes to people…

  • Video update for end of 2019

    We’ve just produced our first ever screencast covering recent developments of work with our partner hospitals. It’s here and we hope you’ll enjoy it…

  • Calendar 2020: Malawi scenes

    By popular demand, we have produced a new calendar for 2020, at A4 size, and it is available now. It contains varied scenes of the lakeside and upland landscape, and at the Vwasa Wildlife Reserve. All photos taken by Focus on Malawi/The Raven Trust volunteers. We’re suggesting a donation of £6.00, which will include postage.…