The World Sight Day Conference on 13 October 2022 (see previous post) was a great success. Clinicians and key people from every health district and hospital in the north of Malawi attended and some gave presentations about their own eye-clinic services, including successes and challenges.
Staff from DGMH prepared the venue and ensured delegates were looked after well. They were joined by eye colleagues from Embangweni and Ekwendeni to do eye tests for the public (see following post).
Around 80 clinicians from the north of Malawi attended the conference, many having never met each other before. There was a palpable atmosphere of co-operation and perhaps we should not be surprised as this was being hosted by our brothers and sisters who work to see God’s kingdom of peace and justice to come on earth. So we’ve been very happy to sponsor this event, knowing that it represents an important step towards a more coherent approach to eye health care in Malawi.
There were good contributions from delegates and a very useful Q&A session . There are plans for more collaborative working between the hospitals, and a first step was to organise a WhatsApp group, including all the delegates, to get communication going.