Month: March 2022
New staff at Livingstonia eye clinic
The eye clinic at David Gordon Memorial Hospital (DGMH) is now staffed by an optometrist and an optometry technician. The optometrist is Lael Phiri, and Sandress Jere is the optometry technician. We send our very best wishes to them as they get into the work at Livingstonia.
Exploring how people understand sight problems, medical provision and more at Livingstonia
As part of the ongoing community eye health programme (see previous posts), the DGMH community health team identified the need to assess the local population’s knowledge, attitudes, practices and perceived barriers to personal eye care and access to the healthcare services provided by the hospital. To do this, they have partnered with the Public Health…
Community eye health programme progresses at Livingstonia
A comprehensive programme to promote eye health care in the community at David Gordon Memorial Hospital (DGMH), Livingstonia (see earlier post for info) is reported to be progressing well. The programme includes re-opening the eye clinic at the hospital, and the provision of eye health screening in remote clinics and schools within the DGMH catchment…
February 2022 Newslink issued
Our latest email newsletter ‘Newslink’ has just been issued and you can see it here (as well as previous editions). You can sign up to our Newslink mailing list here. This newsletter is administered through the MailChimp system, and you can cancel your subscription at any time.